Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Electric Power Supply System | General Layout of Electric Power System

Electric Power Supply System | General Layout of Electric Power System

Here we learn about electric power supply system, in this we learn their types, General layout of electric power system with diagram.

Electric Power Supply System

~ Electrical generators generate energy and this energy is supplied to consumers. Actually, this job is done in threei stages. They are:
1. Generation system
2. Transmission system
3. Distribution system
~ The electrical energy generated is by the generating system which is located at some far away place and is transmitted to the load centres by the transmission system.
~ This energy is then distributed to the consumers by thei distribution system.

General Layout of Electric Power System:

Electric Power Supply System
Electric Power Supply System

~ The use of electrical energy is in different fields such as forl domestic purpose, where it is used for heating, cooking, refrigeration, light etc. Also it is used in industries. commercial complex, irrigation purpose etc.
~ Thus to satisfy everyone's need, electrical energy is provided via a network which is known as power system. Fig. 1.3.1 (a) indicates the general arrangement of a power system.
~ Fig. 1.3. 1 (a) also can be represented by the block diagram, as shown in Fig. 1.3.1 (b).
~ It mainly consists of generating stations (also known asi power stations), substations, transmission network andi distribution network. i
~ According to the law of conservation, energy can neither bei created nor be destroyed, it can be transferred from one form to another form.
~ The generating station converts sonie form of energy (water, wind, etc) into the electrical energy. It mainly consists of two parts, one is turbine (prime mover) and other is alternator.
~ Turbine converts some form of energy into mechanical form and then alternator converts it into electrical form. Fig. 1.3.1 (c) indicates the above principle.
~ Generated electricity is in the form of 3 phase supply.
~ Then this high voltage electrical energy is transmitted by transmission lines over a long distance. Then it is stepped down in distribution substation to utilization level.
~ This step up and step down process is done by transformer.
~ Then the electrcal energy is distributed to different consumers by the distnbution system.

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