Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Energy Consrvation

Here we learn about energy conservation, energy conservation at supply end, Intermediate energy conservation measures.

Energy Conservation :

~ Day by day there is growing demand of energy and to fulfill this demand we have to add more and more generation capacity every year to meet the short fall.
~ There is an actual shortage of energy in the world and demand is increasing rapidly.
~ But to add the more generation capacity, a huge amount of capital is required (approximate one crores rupees for generation of one MW energy)

~ Thus one of the most effective ways to meet the growing gap between demand and supply of power is to adopt energy conservation techniques.

~ Energy conservation can be defined as the reduction of energy use per unit of product, changing from a not so readily available fuel to a more readily available fuel.
~ Following are some energy conservation techniques :
1. Energy conservation at supply end.
2. Intermediate energy conservation measures.
3. Energy conservation at user's end.

A ). Energy conservation at suppiy end :

~ This technique focuses on the improvement of efficiency of thermal power plant, increasing the plant load factor use of non conventional energy sources etc.
~ We can obtain a large amount of energy from the nonconventional energy source which is available freely in nature. Following are the potentials of some nonconventional energy sources :
1 ). Geothermal energy: Energy available by geothermal energy is equivalent to 2x 10" barrels of oil per year.
2 ). Wind energy : Roughly 10 million MWs of energy is continuously available in earth's wind
3 ). Solar energy: The energy emitted by the sun within three minutes is equivalent to the world energy consumption during a year.
4 ). Some other forms of NCS are Tidal (ocean) energy, biogas energy etc.

B ). Intermediate energy conservation measures :

This includes :
~ Recovery of waste heat by using heat pipes.
~ Use of heat pump system.
~ Use of energy efficient motors and lighting systems, etc.

C ). Energy conservation at users end :

Increase in the efficiency of end use of electricity could result to much improved utilization of electricity. If effective energy conservation technique is adopted then it is possible to save about 25% energy in industries, 30% in agricultural field, and 20% in domestic use.

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